Ghoul Ghoul - Metallicus Ex Mortis

So you're an anti-social geek
With body odor, funny hair, and your breath reeks
You have no friends of which to speak
Now your mind has come unglued
And your trust fund balance is down the tubes
There's only one thing you can do

Commit yourself, submit yourself
Give us your body and your soul
Enslave yourself and save yourself
And sign in blood upon the scroll
On your straightjacket stitched, the hermetic seal
The pin is thrust as the blood congeals
Your card is dealt and your fate is sealed
Raise the chalice and take the cure
Numbskull from the freshly interred
Your servitude is now all but ensured

Commit yourself, submit yourself
Give us your body and your soul
Enslave yourself and save yourself
And spill your blood for rock n roll
Now your guts are a foetid yellow slush
Twitching pupils dilate
As your brain is turned to mush

Metallicus ex mortis!
Reborn in decay
Metallicus ex mortis!
As your life rots away