Ghoul Ghoul - From Death To Dust

chimneys choked with soot
belching flame from the furnace erupts
a funeral pyre for the newly deceased
the long dead and the freshly defunct
a human candle with a guttering flame
melting fat in the hypocaust
your time has run short, your spark is now dim
ashes, to the frigid winds, are lost

sizzling skin is burnt to char
corpses broiled to blackened tar
incandescent skulls explode
carbonized in our sweltering forge
body parts reduced to vapor
causing gases to disgorge
post-burial cremation
the foulest stiffs we digest
a service rendered out of necessity
we take what we want and burn the rest

embers scorch the putrid mire
your epitaph is written in fire

eyeballs protrude and pop one by one
as limbs are fused and smelted ichor runs
the remnants of the graveyard we ignite
cadaverous kindling Cremator sets alight


scraping the grate of encrusted slag
molten entrails and adipocere
cauterization, so complete
crumbling flesh and boiling tears
inflammable gore is consigned to the flames
simmering blood is scorched to coke
hammers pulverise bones and teeth
as cremains fill the air with smoke

arsonists from the dawn to dusk
transforming you from death to dust

eyeballs protrude and pop one by one
as limbs are fused and smelted ichor runs
the remnants of the graveyard we ignite
cadaverous kindling Cremator sets alight