Ghoul Ghoul - Abominox

Stygian forces rupture the seals
Sewage and swamp gas and garbage congeals
The odious vortex begins to reveal
A psychotic nightmare for eons concealed
Twenty eyes begin to open and close
A river of refuse from an orifice flows
As a towering tangle of effluvium rose
The madness grows

Lunches lost as the creature forms
Slick with shit and discarded porn
Mummified corpses entwine and adorn
From multiple mandibles a testament sworn

King of the mouldy ones
I rise!

Up from the bog he comes to conquer humanoids
Dripping with fungal ooze from toxic hemorrhoids
Rupturing roots encroach, collapsing mammoth blocks
Humans are doomed to die unleash abominox

Flesh from bone is flayed
Skulls are crushed with rocks
Feeble minds enslaved
To serve abominox